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Monday, August 31, 2020


An Android remote administration tool (RAT) is a programmed tool that allows a remote device to control a smartphone as if they have physical access to that system. While screen sharing and remote administration have many legal uses, "RAT" software is usually associated with the unauthorized or malicious activity. I have streamlined here top android hacking tools of 2018.


Here are the most advanced in functionality top android hacking tools of 2018.


DroidJack gives you the power to establish control over your beloveds' Android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them. It has many advanced features that you can perform over the remote smartphone. DroidJack is one of the top lists as it also has the functionality to read/write WhatsApp messages.

You can also follow a step by step tutorial on how to hack smartphone remotely using droidjack.


OmniRAT is the super powerful multi-OS remote administration tool that can a smartphone either using a smartphone or using a Windows or Mac PC. It has a huge list of features that make it very powerful. It can make calls through that smartphone remotely. It's completely fully undetectable.


AndroRat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server. The name AndroRat is a mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool). It was developed as a project by the university students, which works great for hacking into Android devices.

You can also follow a step by step tutorial on how to hacking a smartphone remotely using androrat.


SpyNote is a lightweight Android remote administration tool (RAT) to hack into a smartphone device remotely. It gives you the power to establish control over Android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them. Build a custom APK or bind the payload to an already existing APK such as a game or social media app.

You can also follow a step by step tutorial on how to hack any android phone remotely with spynote.


AhMyth is a powerful android remote administrator tool that gives you the power to establish control over your beloveds' android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them.

These are all the top android hacking tools of 2018. There are also many other rats but these are the most advanced in tech and features. There may appear few more that can compete these and make a place to be in the top android list.
Related links

Sunday, August 30, 2020

DOS (Denial Of Service) Attack Tutorial Ping Of Death ;DDOS

What is DoS Attack?

DOS is an attack used to deny legitimate users access to a resource such as accessing a website, network, emails, etc. or making it extremely slow. DoS is the acronym for Denial oService. This type of attack is usually implemented by hitting the target resource such as a web server with too many requests at the same time. This results in the server failing to respond to all the requests. The effect of this can either be crashing the servers or slowing them down.

Cutting off some business from the internet can lead to significant loss of business or money. The internet and computer networks power a lot of businesses. Some organizations such as payment gateways, e-commerce sites entirely depend on the internet to do business.

In this tutorial, we will introduce you to what denial of service attack is, how it is performed and how you can protect against such attacks.

Topics covered in this tutorial

Types of Dos Attacks

There are two types of Dos attacks namely;

  • DoS– this type of attack is performed by a single host
  • Distributed DoS– this type of attack is performed by a number of compromised machines that all target the same victim. It floods the network with data packets.

Ultimate guide to DoS(Denial of Service) Attacks

How DoS attacks work

Let's look at how DoS attacks are performed and the techniques used. We will look at five common types of attacks.

Ping of Death

The ping command is usually used to test the availability of a network resource. It works by sending small data packets to the network resource. The ping of death takes advantage of this and sends data packets above the maximum limit (65,536 bytes) that TCP/IP allows. TCP/IP fragmentation breaks the packets into small chunks that are sent to the server. Since the sent data packages are larger than what the server can handle, the server can freeze, reboot, or crash.


This type of attack uses large amounts of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ping traffic target at an Internet Broadcast Address. The reply IP address is spoofed to that of the intended victim. All the replies are sent to the victim instead of the IP used for the pings. Since a single Internet Broadcast Address can support a maximum of 255 hosts, a smurf attack amplifies a single ping 255 times.  The effect of this is slowing down the network to a point where it is impossible to use it.

Buffer overflow

A buffer is a temporal storage location in RAM that is used to hold data so that the CPU can manipulate it before writing it back to the disc. Buffers have a size limit. This type of attack loads the buffer with more data that it can hold. This causes the buffer to overflow and corrupt the data it holds. An example of a buffer overflow is sending emails with file names that have 256 characters.


This type of attack uses larger data packets. TCP/IP breaks them into fragments that are assembled on the receiving host. The attacker manipulates the packets as they are sent so that they overlap each other. This can cause the intended victim to crash as it tries to re-assemble the packets.

SYN attack

SYN is a short form for Synchronize. This type of attack takes advantage of the three-way handshake to establish communication using TCP. SYN attack works by flooding the victim with incomplete SYN messages. This causes the victim machine to allocate memory resources that are never used and deny access to legitimate users.

DoS attack tools

The following are some of the tools that can be used to perform DoS attacks.

  • Nemesy– this tool can be used to generate random packets. It works on windows. This tool can be downloaded from http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/25599/nemesy13.zip.html . Due to the nature of the program, if you have an antivirus, it will most likely be detected as a virus.
  • Land and LaTierra– this tool can be used for IP spoofing and opening TCP connections
  • Blast– this tool can be downloaded from http://www.opencomm.co.uk/products/blast/features.php
  • Panther- this tool can be used to flood a victim's network with UDP packets.
  • Botnets– these are multitudes of compromised computers on the Internet that can be used to perform a distributed denial of service attack.

DoS Protection: Prevent an attack

An organization can adopt the following policy to protect itself against Denial of Service attacks.

  • Attacks such as SYN flooding take advantage of bugs in the operating system. Installing security patches can help reduce the chances of such attacks.
  • Intrusion detection systems can also be used to identify and even stop illegal activities
  • Firewalls can be used to stop simple DoS attacks by blocking all traffic coming from an attacker by identifying his IP.
  • Routers can be configured via the Access Control List to limit access to the network and drop suspected illegal traffic.

Hacking Activity: Ping of Death

We will assume you are using Windows for this exercise. We will also assume that you have at least two computers that are on the same network. DOS attacks are illegal on networks that you are not authorized to do so. This is why you will need to setup your own network for this exercise.

Open the command prompt on the target computer

Enter the command ipconfig. You will get results similar to the ones shown below

Ultimate guide to DoS(Denial of Service) Attacks

For this example, we are using Mobile Broadband connection details. Take note of the IP address. Note: for this example to be more effective, and you must use a LAN network.

 Switch to the computer that you want to use for the attack and open the command prompt

We will ping our victim computer with infinite data packets of 65500

Enter the following command

ping –t |65500


  • "ping" sends the data packets to the victim
  • "" is the IP address of the victim
  • "-t" means the data packets should be sent until the program is stopped
  • "-l" specifies the data load to be sent to the victim

You will get results similar to the ones shown below

Ultimate guide to DoS(Denial of Service) Attacks

Flooding the target computer with data packets doesn't have much effect on the victim. In order for the attack to be more effective, you should attack the target computer with pings from more than one computer.

The above attack can be used to attacker routers, web servers etc.

If you want to see the effects of the attack on the target computer, you can open the task manager and view the network activities.

  • Right click on the taskbar
  • Select start task manager
  • Click on the network tab
  • You will get results similar to the following

Ultimate guide to DoS(Denial of Service) Attacks

If the attack is successful, you should be able to see increased network activities.


Hacking Activity: Launch a DOS attack

In this practical scenario, we are going to use Nemesy to generate data packets and flood the target computer, router or server.

As stated above, Nemesy will be detected as an illegal program by your anti-virus. You will have to disable the anti-virus for this exercise.

Ultimate guide to DoS(Denial of Service) Attacks

Enter the target IP address, in this example; we have used the target IP we used in the above example.


  • 0 as the number of packets means infinity. You can set it to the desired number if you do not want to send, infinity data packets
  • The size field specifies the data bytes to be sent and the delay specifies the time interval in milliseconds.


Click on send button

You should be able to see the following results

Ultimate guide to DoS(Denial of Service) Attacks

The title bar will show you the number of packets sent

Click on halt button to stop the program from sending data packets.

You can monitor the task manager of the target computer to see the network activities.


  • A denial of service attack's intent is to deny legitimate users access to a resource such as a network, server etc.
  • There are two types of attacks, denial of service and distributed denial of service.
  • A denial of service attack can be carried out using SYN Flooding, Ping of Death, Teardrop, Smurf or buffer overflow
  • Security patches for operating systems, router configuration, firewalls and intrusion detection systems can be used to protect against denial of service attacks.

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macSubstrate - Tool For Interprocess Code Injection On macOS

macSubstrate is a platform tool for interprocess code injection on macOS, with the similar function to Cydia Substrate on iOS. Using macSubstrate, you can inject your plugins (.bundle or .framework) into a mac app (including sandboxed apps) to tweak it in the runtime.
  • All you need is to get or create plugins for your target app.
  • No trouble with modification and codesign for the original target app.
  • No more work after the target app is updated.
  • Super easy to install or uninstall a plugin.
  • Loading plugins automatically whenever the target app is relaunched.
  • Providing a GUI app to make injection much easier.

  • Disable SIP
  • Why should disable SIP
    System Integrity Protection is a new security policy that applies to every running process, including privileged code and code that runs out of the sandbox. The policy extends additional protections to components on disk and at run-time, only allowing system binaries to be modified by the system installer and software updates. Code injection and runtime attachments to system binaries are no longer permitted.

  1. download macSubstrate.app, put into /Applications and launch it.
  2. grant authorization if needed.
  3. install a plugin by importing or dragging into macSubstrate.
  4. launch the target app.
    step 3 and step 4 can be switched
    Once a plugin is installed by macSubstrate, it will take effect immediately. But if you want it to work whenever the target app is relaunched or macOS is restarted, you need to keep macSubstrate running and allow it to automatically launch at login.
  5. uninstall a plugin when you do not need it anymore.

macSubstrate supports plugins of .bundle or .framework, so you just need to create a valid .bundle or .framework file. The most important thing is to add a key macSubstratePlugin into the info.plist, with the dictionary value:
Key Value
TargetAppBundleID the target app's CFBundleIdentifier, this tells macSubstrate which app to inject.
Description brief description of the plugin
AuthorName author name of the plugin
AuthorEmail author email of the plugin
Please check the demo plugins demo.bundle and demo.framework for details.

Xcode Templates
macSubstrate also provides Xcode Templates to help you create plugins conveniently:
  1. ln -fhs ./macSubstratePluginTemplate ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/macSubstrate\ Plugin
  2. Launch Xcode, and there will be 2 new plugin templates for you.

  1. SIP is a new security policy on macOS, which will help to keep you away from potential security risk. Disable it means you will lose the protection from SIP.
  2. If you install a plugin from a developer, you should be responsible for the security of the plugin. If you do not trust it, please do not install it. macSubstrate will help to verify the code signature of a plugin, and I suggest you to scan it using VirusTotal. Anyway, macSubstrate is just a tool, and it is your choice to decide what plugin to install.

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RapidScan: The Multi-Tool Website Vulnerabilities Scanner With Artificial Intelligence

RapidScan's Features:
  • One-step installation.
  • Executes a multitude of security scanning tools, does other custom coded checks and prints the results spontaneously.
  • Come of the tools include nmap, dnsrecon, wafw00f, uniscan, sslyze, fierce, lbd, theharvester, dnswalk, golismero etc executes under one entity.
  • Saves a lot of time, indeed a lot time!
  • Checks for same vulnerabilities with multiple tools to help you zero-in on false positives effectively.
  • Legends to help you understand which tests may take longer time, so you can Ctrl+C to skip if needed.
  • Association with OWASP Top 10 2017 on the list of vulnerabilities discovered. (under development)
  • Critical, high, large, low and informational classification of vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability definitions guides you what the vulnerability actually is and the threat it can pose
  • Remediations tells you how to plug/fix the found vulnerability.
  • Executive summary gives you an overall context of the scan performed with critical, high, low and informational issues discovered. (under development)
  • Artificial intelligence to deploy tools automatically depending upon the issues found. for eg; automates the launch of wpscan and plecost tools when a wordpress installation is found. (under development)
  • Detailed comprehensive report in a portable document format (*.pdf) with complete details of the scans and tools used. (under development)

For Your Infomation about RapidScan:
  • Program is still under development, works and currently supports 80 vulnerability tests.
  • Parallel processing is not yet implemented, may be coded as more tests gets introduced.

RapidScan supports checking for these vulnerabilities:
  • DNS/HTTP Load Balancers & Web Application Firewalls. 
  • Checks for Joomla, WordPress and Drupal
  • SSL related Vulnerabilities (HEARTBLEED, FREAK, POODLE, CCS Injection, LOGJAM, OCSP Stapling).
  • Commonly Opened Ports.
  • DNS Zone Transfers using multiple tools (Fierce, DNSWalk, DNSRecon, DNSEnum).
  • Sub-Domains Brute Forcing.
  • Open Directory/File Brute Forcing.
  • Shallow XSS, SQLi and BSQLi Banners.
  • Slow-Loris DoS Attack, LFI (Local File Inclusion), RFI (Remote File Inclusion) & RCE (Remote Code Execution).

RapidScan's Requirements:
  • Kali Linux, Parrot Security OS, BlackArch... Linux distros that based for pentesters and hackers.
  • Python 2.7.x

RapidScan Installation:

RapidScan's screenshots:
RapidScan helping menu
RapidScan Intro
RapidScan Outro

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